Sweet and Yummy Advent Calendars

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Are there chocolate Advent calendars my kids can enjoy?

Sweet and Yummy Advent Calendars

If you are looking for an Advent calendar that is fun for both adults and children and is tasty too, you should consider a chocolate Advent calendar this Christmas season. Yes, Advent calendars come in chocolate and are ready for you to nibble on.

Imagine the surprise in your child's eyes this Christmas when you open the first numbered door of this type of Advent calendar and there is a little chocolate surprise waiting for him. You can choose from a children's design chocolate Advent calendar that features a cute Santa sitting in his sleigh or a Santa Claus Advent calendar that shows the big guy surrounded by little children waiting for a treat. If you prefer to go more traditional with your chocolate Advent calendar there are also chocolate Nativity Advent calendars that are just waiting for you to take a bite out of them.

One of the best things about this type of Advent calendar is that they are so reasonably priced. For less than $4 you can celebrate the Advent with this tasty treat.



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