Christmas Tree Toppers

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What are my choices in Christmas tree toppers?

Christmas Tree Toppers

Picking the perfect Christmas tree topper is important. It's usually the finishing touch on your decorated Christmas tree. For many people this topper will become a family heirloom and will be passed down from one generation to the next.

Christmas tree toppers usually come in the form of an angel or a star but there are other tree toppers out there if you wish to go a bit less traditional. If you are a country-western fan then perhaps a cowboy hat tree topper should adorn your tree? It's a fun way to show your love of all things country.

You may also wish to simplify the way your tree top looks by using a simple red bow Christmas tree topper. You can even purchase long red velvet bows, in the size of your choice, for this very purpose and the price is very minimal. Not only is a single red bow a neat way to top your tree, it's also very economical.

You can also make your Christmas tree toppers using feathers (peacock or ostrich) and some craft wire to mold into the shape you want to place on the top of your tree. If you have Styrofoam balls in your home and some paint, try painting the balls to your choice of color, adding some glitter, and placing them on your tree as a topper. You can even put toothpicks or thin, long wooden sticks into the Styrofoam ball and spray paint it for a decorative star look on the top of your tree. Just test paint or any glue first to make sure it doesn't "melt" the Styrofoam. Otherwise, you are off and running with your beautiful handmade tree decorations.



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