Hanging Christmas Stockings

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What are some ways to display or hold my Christmas stockings?

Hanging Christmas Stockings

Once you have the Christmas stocking sewn or bought, you will need something to hang it up with. After all, those Christmas stockings don't just hang themselves. You will need a Christmas stocking holder to show off the stockings that are hung by your chimney with care.

You can display your Christmas stocking with a weighted base and a hook to hold the stocking from your mantle or other display area. These types of Christmas stocking holders come in all shapes, sizes and prices. Choose from literally hundreds of different styles, from your favorite NFL or college team to a cute reindeer or pine cone, or even a frame that you can place your favorite photo in year after year.

If you would rather not hang your stocking from a hook, consider a stocking holder stand. These stands are especially useful if you have no fireplace mantle or stair rail to hang your stocking. Christmas stocking stands do exactly what they sound like they should; they are a standing display for your Christmas stockings. Most stands hold up to six Christmas stockings, and add a decorative look to your decor. A Christmas stocking stand is an innovative way to display your stockings.

If space is a real issue for you, consider a stocking holder that hangs over a door. This type of stocking holder holds around four stockings and is a festive way to hang stockings, especially when space is tight.



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