Best Christmas Ornament Storage Practices

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What are some things I should know about storing Christmas ornaments?

Best Christmas Ornament Storage Practices

Taking down the Christmas ornaments is usually a task in itself. As is perfecting the storage of said Christmas ornaments. Some Christmas ornament storage ideas that should help make this task a bit less daunting may help.

  • Wrapping your ornaments individually in tissue paper can help prevent broken ornaments and the disappointment that occurs when you pull a broken ornament out of a box as you decorate the tree.
  • Store your Christmas ornaments in an air-tight container or a specially made ornament storage box with individual compartments to protect them from storage damage.
  • If you feel you have too many bulky ornaments that are hard to store, try going through each ornament and donating those that you feel have no sentimental value or no longer hold any importance to you. Doing this will cut back on needing large containers for ornament storage.
  • In addition, if you do end up donating many Christmas ornaments and want to add some flair to your tree, try decorating it with ribbons and bows. Ribbons and bows take up very little space in ornament storage containers, thus making for no storage issues.
  • Make sure all of your ornament storage boxes are clearly marked and labeled with what is inside them. This way you won't be pulling out other Christmas decorations thinking they are Christmas ornaments and vice versa.



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