June 19, 2009, Newsletter Issue #114: Rotating Christmas Tree Stands

Tip of the Week

Christmas tree stands are necessary to keeping your tree balanced and standing during the time it is up in your home. What you may not know is that you do not need to purchase a regular old Christmas tree stand that just keeps your Christmas tree in one place. Oh no, you can purchase a Christmas tree stand that rotates your Christmas tree around and around.

Many rotating tree stands will hold trees as large as nine feet and will hold up to 2000 lights and has two outlets for plugging in various items needed to light your Christmas tree or other accessories that may need to be plugged in. You can even turn your tree off from rotating by flipping a switch on the tree stand itself. The stand itself plugs into an outlet but you are able to control the rotation by flipping a switch on or off on the stand.

If you want to be able to see all of your Christmas tree ornaments and you know that you won't be able to see any of those on the back because it is close to the wall, consider getting a rotating tree stand. This way your Christmas tree will rotate in a circle and show off all of those ornaments they way they are supposed to be. Be warned, however, that these rotating tree stands often cost over $100, so be prepared to spend some money on this item. You may need to wait until the actual Christmas season to purchase a rotating stand at retail store, but you can most likely find rotating stands online all year round!

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